Friday, January 31, 2014

random things

well i realize i havent been on here to post anything in a very lng time. my life is going much better now that i have gotten rid of so many people that had caused so much drama in my life. i think im going to turn this blog into something different and i will be letting my thoughts, anger, and just random things out on here just because i feel like anyone that reads my blogs likes to hear it. i know you guys really dont but it makes me feel good konwing that someone out there takes the time to read my thoughts and problems and well whoever you are you make my days much brighter. so i guess thats it for today i will trya nd keep you guys updated on how my days are going but i wont promise a post everyday but sure will try. STAY BEAUTIFUL AND STAY SAFE!!

Tuesday, December 10, 2013


This is a self-esteem blog that I have found, it talks about how the writer of the blog  thought he was a great person because everyone liked him and was nice to him, but he always had this doubt in him. This man had a best friend that he wanted to ask out because he liked her so much but he could never find the words to say it. After a night of spending time with her he found out that's when his self-esteem was low. He just thought it was because he was a nice guy and put every one's needs ahead of his own. 

This blog makes me feel sad because they man didn't know he had low self-esteem until a night that changed him for the rest of his life. After that night he went and looked up people with self-esteem issues and how they over came it for more than three years. This man had no idea he suffered from low self-esteem. This man has out together a 7 step program for himself to over come low self-esteem. Step (1.) Create your identity and seek your purpose in life. (2.) Own your fear and seek to embrace it. (3.)
Build and maintain inner motivation. (4.) Live with integrity at all times, hide nothing. (5.) Create your status and remove the need for approval from others. (6.) Seek feedback and develop genuine curiosity in others. (7.)Test and improve for life. 

After this man followed all these steps he didn't feel like he had low self-esteem anymore. He was more comfortable to do things for the first time. He use to envy others and there confidence to be able to do things that he was to scared to do but now he he doesn't wish to swap lives with anyone. He is pleased with what he did and wouldnt take any part of it back. 

My self-esteem before reading this article or blog was low. I'm a very shy person around people I don't know but I'm also very protective of people I care about so others would call me some what of a brat. But when it comes to trying new things I'm shy and dont want to do it, I'm slow at doing things im not comfortable with. But after reading this blog it made me understand that if I don't try new things I'm not going to be comfortable in trying anything new. I might grow old all alone without accomplishing anything that I've never done. 

After reading this blog and seeing the things this man went trough and seeing all the steps he took to get to where he is now. It makes me want to try and accomplish those steps and see where it takes me in my future. Low self-esteem gets me down a lot and after reading this blog it makes me want to try something new and something that's not what I'm use to. 

Friday, December 6, 2013

when I become a parent

When I become a parent I want my child/ children to come to me when they feel sad or are upset about something. I want them to know they can talk to me about anything. I may make mistakes but I want them to realize that it's okay that it happens. I want them to understand that life doesn't always go the exact way we want it to. I want them to know that it's okay to be whoever you want to be and not let people change you because you're different from them. When I have children I will always be there when they need me even when they are out of my house. I will always protect my children no matter how old they are they will always be my babies. They will be the center of my life. They will be the light of my darkness.


I want my mother to know that no matter how many times I tell her I hate her. I really don't she has done so much for me and my brothers. I want to tell her how I feel about her but every time I try I can never say the right words. So I'm going to say it here. I appreciate her in every way a daughter can. She's always been there for me when I needed her. We may fight ( a lot ) but she's always going to be my number one role model. Growing up even now, my mother still tells me "I'm not your friend, I'm your mother." I never fully understood that because don't you always want your mother to be your friend? But now I do understand it, my mother will always love me and be my friend but there are moments that she needs to make choices that puts her in the place of being my mother. And I love her for that. One day I hope to have a better relationship with my mother but for now I'm doing the best I can with what I have been given.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013


The kind of music I listen to most people would turn the radio to a different station or just shut it off. But the moral of the lyrics explain my life and what I go through on a daily basis. It speaks to me in many ways that a person can't. I love my kind of music and just because I listen to it you shouldn't judge me. I don't judge others on their music and I never will.

stressful things

To me it seems stress is in my everyday life. Everywhere I look there's something that stresse's me out. My mother, my family, my chores, just the littlest things stress me out. I have ways of calming myself down but I don't stay that way for very long before something stresses me out again. Music, and animals are my passions. I love to listen to music and make up random chords and just mix sounds together to make something cool. To me it soothes the soul and calms me down because for me it's an escape away from the world. Animals are the same way, I love to take care of animals or just spend time with them. For my job when I grow up I want to become a rescue that takes care of many kinds of animals.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

10 things

10 things I'm thankful for... 

10.) I'm thankful for the friends I've made through out my life. 
9.) I'm thankful for my mother for always staying strong in the hardest times
8.) I'm thankful for a roof over my head to keep me safe
7.) I'm thankful for the food I'm able to eat that keeps me going
6.) I'm thankful for the love and support I get from my family everyday
5.) I'm thankful for the sun rising in the sky everyday
4.) I'm thankful for the moon shinning bright in the sky at night
3.) I'm thankful for the clothes on my back
2.) I'm thankful for the shoes on my feet
1.) I'm thankful for my mother for bringing me into this hard and challenging world